Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

U.B.S. military base wip

I would like to put a whole fence around it, but the stupid fence pieces won't fit in the pick a brickbox.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Well I don't know what to say, but watch all plants at all times.

Monday, January 25, 2010

U.B.S. Flank gun

I really like this, so I thought I might post it.

Small table scrap: badger armoured vehicle

I thought it was cool, and I needed to use that windsheild piece.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

U.B.S. Scout trooper

A quick build for the U.B.S.

Where am I?

I was on a mission to the moon but something happened, I instantly blacked out on the way back from the moon to earth, but woke up in front of what I thought to be earth. I've landed, but this is not earth.

Just a quick table scrap using the pickabrick neon green pieces from lego crazy 98's b-day.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Apoca smart car

I haven't seen anybody do this yet, so I guess I'm the first.

M1A3 Abrams

Chandler parker is the best millitary moccer I've ever seen. He always includes perfect detail in things such as this tank.

Sorry about the view, just click on the picture.


appius95 is one tallented builder. I think the best part of this vig is the riot sheild, because it really does look like the one in MW2.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I found this on flickr, and thought it was cool.

Rangers, always getting themselves caught in something

So the other day, I was looking at the dr. inferno hair I bought and thought, it looks like girls hair upside down.

Friday, January 15, 2010

U.B.S. Standard Infintry

Left to right:
-LMG gunner
-1st in command
-2nd in command
-heli pilot
-heavy trooper

sdkfz model half track

I really really like sdkfz's models, He just puts so much detail to them.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Polish-style bus

I really do like this bus, It has amazing detail such as the grille, and the doors and everything.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Trolls, goblins, and orcs

I found this on brickshelf, and I think it looks cool. Especialy the goblin raider.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

German "lepard"

Photography is okay, but the tank is just plain awesome. (Brickshelf find).

Halo 3 diorama

Nannan Z. is one of my personal favorite builders. He always takes great pictures, and makes the smallest details possible.

Chicken walker mecha

I really like this mech. I made it looking for something to do with the horse sattle piece. Can you spot it? It's in the middle. I think I did a good job on using pieces.


Well nothing to say here. Exept...BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Head-shot!

U.B.S. Light combat Jeep

Run Forest Run!!!

This isn't the best photo, but I made this vig so I could enter a contest at Brickarms, I still need a suggestion on how to shrink it. It has a lot of forest, and blue stud pieces. Coment!

Monday, January 11, 2010


This Starship-Trooper fig by
Is truley amazing, The lighting is superb, and it's just plain awesome.

My sig-fig Commando style

Well the title says it all.

I'd think it be wise to give us da money

20's gangsters are always waiting for there money, they don't like waiting...

This town aint big enough for the both of us...

Shocasing Brickarms Wild West Outlaw minifigure. (By thrash)


Took this picture to test out my new lighting set up, Do you like him?(wich is just my science & L.A. book holding up white paper)

Well to start this blog, this is a fig I made bassed off of one of my favorite builder's fig. I call this fig the "Covert Asassin". He is hired like a mercinary, but does not work for any country. So enjoy as I kick off the start to a new Blog!


Welcome to my blog viewers! On this blog I will take pictures and find pictures of the best lego creations.